Date Posted:
Friday, December 3, 2021
CSM Glenn Sidwell
December 2021
On Veteran's Day, during which this country honors our military veterans, FUMA recognized a very special veteran of our own. Command Seargant Major Sidwell has served the Academy faithfully for over 30 years, impacting the lives of multiple generations of young men and shaping the the culture of our FUMA.
Glenn Sidwell was born in Munday, West Virginia and enlisted in the United States Army in November 1959. His stateside tours included two tours of duty with the Third United States Infantry Regiment ("The Old Guard"), at Fort Myer, Virginia. His overseas assignments included extended tours in Vietnam, including Golf Company, 75th Rangers and Command and Control South, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). In June 1998, CSM Sidwell was named a Distinguished Member of The Regiment for his service in the The Old Guard. Command Sergeant Major Sidwell has multiple master’s degrees, and has received the following awards and decorations:
• Bronze Star (2 Oak Leaf Clusters with "V" Device)
• Purple Heart Medal
• Meritorious Service Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster)
• Air Medal (2nd Award)
• Joint Service Commendation Medal
• Army Commendation Medal (3 Oak Leaf Clusters with "V" • Device)
• Good Conduct Medal (5th Award)
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Master Parachutist Badge
• Air Assault Badge
• Pathfinder Badge
• Special Forces Tab
• Ranger Tab
CSM Sidwell joined the FUMA staff in August of 1989, and during his time here has served as TAC for every company. CSM Sidwell was the lead in the acquisition of the M-1 Garand rifles used by the cadets here at FUMA.
We are forever indebted to for his service to this great country and to the cadets of Fork Union Military Academy.